Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Communication Of The Coca-Cola †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Business Communication Of The Coca-Cola? Answer: Introduction Communication has been derived from the word communis, which stands for common. Moreover, the concept of communication also takes in to account the transfer concept and the meaning that is derived from the information apart from the commonality. Thus, it can be said that communication is the process in which two or more persons have the freedom to exchange their thoughts to gain a common understanding (Kaul, 2014). Internal business communication According to Brannen, Piekkari Tietze (2014), the communication that takes place within the organization between the management and the employees are known as business communication. This communication helps in exchanging their ideas, which will directly result in bringing changes within the organization. this type of communication is necessary when the organization has expanded due to the various growth strategies that they have adopted in the business. According to Cornelissen Cornelissen (2017), this communication network also helps the organization when the activities within the workplace are complex with respect to planning, sales and production of the products and the services. The communication with respect to business helps in promoting a spirit of understanding, which directly results in cooperation among the employees. External business communication According to Enuoh and Inyang (2016), the external communication of the organization is the interaction that they do with the government, suppliers and the retailers so that the product and services can be sold in the market in an effective manner. The communication process with the government helps the organization in procuring the licenses from the various authorities so that the company can carry on with their business in a peaceful manner. According to Argenti (2015), the government helps the companies in getting the licenses with respect to the foreign trades, income and sales tax and other authoritarian licenses. Aqccording to Mishra, Boynton Mishra (2014), the communication with the distributors and the suppliers help the company in understanding the market trends so that the product can be manufactured in a better way and distributed in the market for the customers to purchase it. The retailers and distributors provide valuable feedback to the company based on which the prod uct is innovated on a constant manner. Overview of the company A man named John Pemberton who mixed the ingredients and served the drink in a store named Jacobs Pharmacy started the Coca-Cola Company in the year 1886. After the drink was invented, the company started to serve it in almost all the parties and the people at that time used to like the drink. After nearly 125 years, the company is one of the largest selling brands on a global basis (Luippold, Rummel Storti, 2014). This is because the company has managed to innovate the product at a constant manner keeping the customers in their mind. The organization is one of the largest companies in the world and employs large number of people so that they can continue manufacturing the products, which are liked by the customers. The communication with the employees has helped the company in becoming the number one choice choice of the customers in the non-alcoholic food and beverage industry (Jakeman et al., 2014). Communication within the company According to Roth (2014), the company uses a direct communication method so that the managers of the company can help in increasing the morale of the employees, as they create an impact by producing the products in line with the mission and vision of the company. The managers of the company have to listen to the concerns of the employees so that they do not face any difficulties while working in the organization and needs to provide a solution so that the matters can be resolved on an urgent basis. According to Reilly Hynan (2014), the managers of the company are of the knowledge that if the grievances of the employees can be solved at a faster rate, then the production of the company can increase to a large extent and the efficiency of the organization will be high. According to Seele Lock (2015), the managers are of the view that the process of communication among all the different departments will help the labor force in carrying out the work in an efficient manner. The internal environment of the company needs to have a positive culture so that the workers can work in harmony, which will help in enhancing the process of communication between them. The role of the managers is to see that the information, which is communicated, reaches to all the employees working in different departments so that equality can be maintained in the workplace. According to Pearson (2016), the managers also have an understanding that the environmental aspects will help in the message being distorted and the employees may not receive the information that has been disseminated to them. this has led to the company in adopting different methods of communication patterns so that the information delegated for the employees can reach to them in a secured manner. The company has now provided the employees with a personal handset so that they can receive all the information that the company needs to provide to them. This will help the employees in getting the actual information and act accordingly. Vertical and horizontal communication According to Coombs (2014), the company also follows a vertical and horizontal method of communication pattern, which help the company in effectively communicating with the employees who are in different levels within the organization. The vertical communication helps the company in getting valuable feedbacks from the employees whenever any change in introduced in the system. The employees need to work with the change and inform the managers about how the change is creating an impact on the level of production. According to Reilly Hynan (2014), if the change has a negative impact on the production level, then the upper management needs to revise the plan so that the employees can work in a better way. The horizontal communication helps the employees in communicating with the others who are working in different departments. This helps the employees in being in an interaction with the others on a constant manner so that any issues within the production line can be checked immediately. According to Seele Lock (2015), the company also appoints leaders so that they can keep a check on the flow of information that is circulated among the employees. These leaders hold interactive sessions with the employees on a weekly basis so that the issues within the company can be solved in an efficient manner. The leaders are aware of the senders who disseminate the information for the employees and if it is found out to be wrong, then they have to face severe consequences, as they misguided the employees from the objectives of the company. Stakeholder engagement According to Roth (2014), the company keeps its stakeholders informed about the daily activities that are happening within the organization. This helps the stakeholders in providing the company with valuable inputs, which will help them in increasing their level of production. The company makes it a point to take the views of the stakeholders in to account so that they can function smoothly on a global basis. This will help the company in expanding at a faster rate on a global scale and keep the goodwill of the company in a positive manner in the minds of the customers. Issues within the company According to Hansen (2016), though the company is one of the biggest brands in the world, it still faces many issues with respect to communication on a global scale. The major cause of this is the vast empire that it has created worldwide and the inability of the managers to understand the various cultures that is prevalent in most of the countries. this has led to an internal conflict between the employees and managers with respect to communication patterns. According to Austin Gaither (2016), one of the major problems that the company faces is the employees are unclear about the duties and the responsibilities that they need to carry out within the organization. The inefficiency of the Human Resources department in many parts of the world has led to provide the wrong responsibilities to the wrong persons. This has led to a slowdown in the process of production, as most of the employees take time in understanding the responsibilities that has been bestowed upon them. According to Dekhil et al. (2017), under the new leadership, the company is starting to lose out the capability of effective decision-making, which is hampering the profits of the company. The measures that are being adopted by the company are proving out to incur heavy losses. The difference of the opinions between the upper management and the employees has led to create a negative impact on the level of production for the company. The communication process within the company is not based on the organizational structure, which has led to miscommunication between the employees and the managers. The management does not follow the process of feedback, which has led to mismanagement of the issues that are existing within the organization. This has resulted in the production level of the company to drop at an increasing rate, which is causing problems within the organization (Austin Gaither, 2016). Recommendations Thus, it can be recommended that the company needs to follow an effective mode of communication network so that it can help tyhem in increasing the rate of production and retain the employees within the organization. This will help the company in managing the products and services in a better way so that the goodwill of the company can be kept intact in the minds of the employees and the customers. The HR department needs to be efficient so that the right person can get the right responsibilities within the organization and needs to be communicated about the duties and responsibilities that need to be carried out by them. This will ensure that the company will work in an efficient manner and achieve a higher rate of production. The managers of the company need to communicate with the employees on a constant basis so that any issues that may arise within the workplace can be solved. This will help in ensuring that the production level will not be hampered. The management needs to give more importance to the feedbacks that are provided by the employees so that it will help in efficiently carrying out the work within the organization. the feedback process will help the management in taking effective decisions that will be beneficial for the company. It will help the employees in communicating in a better manner within the organization so that the production level can increase. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that the company needs to maintain an effective communication pattern so that it can run efficiently in the competitive market. This will help the company in ensuring that the consumers in the competitive market are purchasing the products and services that they are offering. The effective use of communication within the workplace will help the employees in carrying out the work in a truthful manner so that the goals and objectives of the company can be met. It will also ensure that the issues of the ewwmployees are communicated to the seniors so that they can be solved in an effective way, which will help in retaining the employees within the workplace. Reference List Argenti, P. A. (2015).Corporate communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Austin, L. L., Gaither, B. M. (2016). 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